Best research project competition
In line with its objective of promoting high-quality research conducted by young researchers/students and their integration to the professional world, the Scientific Center for Health through IFYAR is pleased to offer to Master and PhD students the opportunity to compete for a small grant to facilitate timely completion of their postgraduate research.
Interested candidates should submit a 2-pages (Word format, Times, font 12, interline 1.15, justify) research proposal containing: Background and justification, objectives, material and methods, expected results, timetable, budget and references. Project Title is a maximum of 100 characters (20 words).
Shortlisted candidates will be requested to present their projects during the fair. The best candidates per research topics will be announced during the closing ceremony. And the outstanding research project will also be also awarded during the same ceremony.
Research topics
Research topics should fall within any of the following broad themes:
- Health sciences
- Food and nutrition sciences
- Health law and Right to health
- Social sciences
- Material Sciences, Energies and ITC
Small grants research budgets are limited to 1 000 000 CFA Francs (roughly $1700 USD) for PhD students and 500 000 CFA Francs (roughly $850 USD) for Masters students.
Small grants budgets may not include indirect costs (e.g. accommodation, field trips outside the country where the research is being conducted…)
- Applicants should be African postgraduate students.
- Enrolled in African universities.
- A recommendation letter from your supervisor.
Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
- Relevance (the extent to which the proposed research aligns with the selected theme and addresses African development issues);
- Innovation (the extent to which the proposed activity suggests and explores creative and original approaches); and
- Feasibility (whether the project is feasible in terms of the proposed methodology, work plan and budget)
Award of grants will be based on merit – i.e. on the strength of the application.
Applications should be submitted online.
The review of the applications takes approximately 1 month after the deadline date.
International Applicants: October 15, 2020
Domestic applicants: October 31, 2020
Selected applicants will be notified by November 8, 2020
For more information, visit
The Scientific Committee ensures the confidentiality of the information contained in your research project.