


The objective of entrepreneurs concerned with sustainable development is to position themselves as true agents of change. As we know, entrepreneurship is an important contributor to sustainable development through job generation. It stimulates economic growth, in­novation and enhances social conditions. Indeed, entrepreneurship can provide adequate solutions to health, environmental and social challenges.

Adhering to J. Schumpeter’s statement (1935) that the entrepreneurial function is, in essence, the driven force for a permanent transformation of the economy, the second edition of the International Fair for Young African Researchers (IFYAR) aims to place the young researcher as a scholar who pro­duces knowledge, and equally as a worker. He is an entrepreneur, who implements it in the industry in order to deliver efficient interventions to economic and social challenges.

IFYAR 2022 is, therefore, part of the process of put­ting scientific knowledge and innovation in Africa, and particularly in Cameroon, at the service of sus­tainable development through the young African re­searcher as a primary resource. We intend to conti­nue the implementation of this platform of exchange and collaboration, which will be aimed at adopting a holistic approach to the implementation of entre­preneurship policies for the young researcher, by associating governments, research institutes, aca­demia, private researchers, the corporate sector and the civil society.


The IFYAR is a science fair that aims to strengthen the integration of the young African researcher in the economic, technological and social development of the African continent.

For its second edition, IFYAR will be held from the 1st to the 10th of December 2022 in the natural and enchanting setting of ECOPARK Cameroon located at Ahala barrière in Yaoundé.

Definitely focused on entrepreneurship, this second edition will be an opportunity for young researchers, inventors, students of form 5, lower sixth, upper sixth grades, and visitors, to integrate the dynamics by which the young researcher will through entrepreneurship, contribute to the new economy.

On the programme : conferences; training workshops; oral presentations; project competitions (doctoral and master’s theses); the IFYAR Innovation Challenge; Foire aux métiers; Universiades finals; Future City Challenge; junior researcher workshop; musical concert; exhibition tour; Miss IFYAR 2022 competition and much more.

IFYAR is thus based on six (06) axes making up the basis of the events, namely:

  1. Health sciences,
  2. Materials Science, Energy and ICT,
  3. Agri-Food Sciences and Agroforestry,
  4. Humanities Sciences,
  5. Economic Sciences,
  6. Public Health Law and health legislation;


Food and nutritional sciences include the fields of food science and technology, particularly the production, processing, refining, preservation, storage and distribution of food.


Health Law is a set of legal rules specific to a health system with the aim of legislating the action of direct and intermediate actors in the supply chain of health services. However, the right to health is one of the priorities of the millennium, a permanent fight led by WHO as well as its ramifications which are addressed to vulnerable populations. The various evaluation factors sum up this Right in: access to quality care, acceptable level of health care and the affordable cost of quality care. Thus, will be interested in the plenaries and workshops dedicated to this thematic, young students, researchers and professionals sharing a particular interest for Biopiracy and the traditional African pharmacopoeia, the premises of universal health coverage, the legal framework and the industrialization of traditional African medicine and pharmacopoeia as well as the challenges linked to the industrialization and marketing of products derived from traditional African pharmacopoeia.


This axis concerns students, researchers and other professionals involved in research in the exact sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, etc.), renewable energy, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and other related disciplines or curricula.


Health Sciences are known as all studies or practices of the various medical and paramedical specialties aiming the Health of individuals, more precisely to allow knowledge on new discoveries and new treatments, to understand and relieve all kinds of illnesses as well as human suffering.

Health sciences are intended for students, researchers and health professionals (medical and paramedical) with a particular interest in operational research, quality control, good clinical laboratory practices, the development of medical devices / innovations and pharmaceutical products as well as infectious and non-communicable diseases.


Turned towards the study of humans and societies, social sciences are more specifically interested in the activities, behaviors, thinking and intentions, lifestyles, evolution of the human being in past or present, whether alone or in a group.

IFAR will therefore be the suitable platform for presentations, conferences and workshops focused on students, researchers, professionals and actors of the society with a particular interest in crisis management, digital and digitalization of research processes, behavior change in relation to the risks and the vectors of development in the society.


Economics is defined as the management of scarce resources. It aims to organize the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services in a society. It is also concerned with the interrelationships between economic agents such as firms, the state, households and the rest of the world.