Etienne Tchoungui’s products have already won awards in Switzerland and Cameroon.

Tisane de Mamernat, Tosbisol 1,500, Etoncel 5,000, Stefent 2,500 fort, Vaïkeynent, Sinki-10, Reminote 2,000. Names that on first reading don’t lead to anything. However, they are part of the protocol of medicines based on plants and other ingredients that Etienne Tchoungui, a Cameroonian inventor, set up to “kill” hepatitis. This is good news for the nearly 70,000 Cameroonians who, according to medical sources, suffer from liver infections. Moreover, the work of this almost self-taught, retired physical education teacher, born of a naturopathic mother, received the recognition of the Nation during the last Technological Days organized a month ago in Yaoundé. One distinction does not hide another, Etienne TCHOUNGUI’s ginger syrup was awarded the silver medal at the Geneva International Technology Fair in 2006.

Let’s advance research for a better Cameroon and a radiant Africa

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