IFYAR 2022 Competitions

IFYAR 2022 Competitions

Best Master’s and PhD research project

In line with its objective of promoting high-quality research conducted by young researchers/students and their integration to the professional world, the Scientific Center for Health through IFYAR is pleased to offer to Master and PhD students the opportunity to compete for a small grant to facilitate timely completion of their postgraduate research.

Interested candidates should submit a 2-pages (Word format, Times, font 12, interline 1.15, justify) research proposal containing: Background and justification, objectives, material and methods, expected results, timetable, budget and references. Project Title is a maximum of 100 characters (20 words).

Shortlisted candidates will be requested to present their projects during the fair. The best candidates per research topics will be announced during the closing ceremony. And the outstanding research project will also be awarded during the same ceremony.

IFYAR Innovation Challenge

As part of the second edition of the International Fair for Young African Researcher (IFYAR 2022), the Scientific Center for Health (SCH) is pleased to invite interested youth, students, scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs to submit innovation proposals under the IFYAR Innovation and Invention Challenge.

The IFYAR Innovation and Invention Challenge aims to strengthen African innovation capacity and promote technology breakthroughs by enabling innovators access much needed technical and financial support in various areas including developing prototypes, proof of concept, pilot/testing, commercializing technologies as well as securing intellectual property.

This Challenge will prioritise innovative and scalable solutions for selection in the categories of Product, Service and/or Social Innovation in the IFYAR thematic area (Health, Agriculture, Social, Energy, Industry, Mining, Environment & Climate Change, ICT …). The opportunity will be given to selected applicants to present their innovations/inventions to a panel of experts and showcase them in a dedicated area during the ten (10) days of the fair.