

Les bénévoles de l’IFYAR sont recrutés et formés pour répondre de manière adaptée aux situations, ils peuvent donc être approché pour besoins de circonstance.



Dans le cadre de l’organisation de la 1iere foire scientifique internationale au Cameroun, la Scientific Center for Health (SCH) lance un appel à candidature pour des missions de bénévolat.

La International Fair for Young African researchers (IFYAR) se tiendra du 01 au 05 Décembre 2020 sur le site ecotouristique ECOPARK Cameroun (sis à Ahala-barrière). Cette première édition sera l’occasion idoine de présenter l’implication et l’impact du jeune chercheur dans le processus d’émergence de nos pays africains ; ceci au travers des ateliers, de conférences, de concours et symposiums.

Les missions de bénévolat s’étendent sur 10 jours et nécessitent des qualifications diverses et multiples dans les domaines suivants :

Hôtes ;

– Accueil ;

– Installation ;

– Protocole ;

– Secourisme ;

– Maintenance ;

– Secrétariat ;

– Assistant Marketing (60 jours) ;

– Assistant Communication.

Vous pouvez soumettre votre candidature directement via cette plateforme en nous adressant votre Cv ou par notre adresse email contact@ifyar.comlibockandre@ifyar.com  ou alors en nous contactant au 693 15 71 71.

IFYAR, parce que nous construisons notre avenir aujourd’hui.

Become a volunteer for the Union Global Conference on IFYAR 2024! IFYAR 2024 will be held in person from December 2 to 7 in Yaoundé, Cameroon, at the Ecopark ecotourism site.

We are happy to hear that you would like to volunteer for our fair. Please complete this form and we will contact you with more details in the coming weeks.

What do we offer?  

  • Free registration for IFYAR 2024 while off-duty, which includes access to sessions where cutting-edge science will be presented, as well as other activities and spaces (Community Connect, Exhibition). Please note: travel to Yaoundé and accommodation will not be covered by IFYAR 
  • Experience in managing international events in a scientific reference in the field, with the participation of thousands of delegates in one of the most renowned venues in Yaoundé.
  • International working environment with a multicultural team with diverse experience in conference management and international organizations.
  • Meet scientists, public health professionals, advocacy leaders and activists from around the world for the largest gathering focused on tuberculosis and lung health worldwide.
  • Volunteers will receive a certificate of achievement and/or a certificate of conference participation, trade show T-shirts and a lunch/coffee break on site.
  • Meals will be provided to volunteers while on duty.


  • Support on-site organizers in different tasks: access control, registration assistance, guiding and informing delegates, session room assistance, poster session assistance, Community Connect assistance, media relations, etc.
  • Volunteer at least 50% of the time during conference days. Be part of the team organizing the world’s largest lung health conference while gaining valuable experiences, making new friends, and enjoying your time.

We need you to make this show a huge success.

Visit our https://ifyar.com/, follow us on social networks and IFYAR news to receive all our announcements.

If you have any questions or comments, please email us at contact@ifyar.com

Fill in the form

IFYAR volunteers are recruited and trained to respond to any issues, you can approach them during the fair if there is an event solicited or not you think you can address.