Competition for the best Master’s and Doctorate/PhD projects

The selection will be made in two phases:

Phase I:

Call for applications on 15 February 2022. Partici­pants will have 4 months (from 15 February to 31 May 2022) to submit their applications and the Scientific Committee will have 3 months (from 1 June to 31 August 2022) to select the best applications. The Scientific Committee will then select 10 partici­pants (5 master students and 5 thesis students) per field, i.e. 50 participants for the final competition which will be held throughout the 10 days of the fair.


Phase II:

During the 10 days of the fair, the candidates selec­ted for the competition will present their projects to a committee of experts in the field concerned. The winners of the competition (01 winner per disci­pline and per level of study) will be announced at the closing ceremony of the fair and will each receive a grant to support their projects.

Master’s student: 500,000 FCFA

Thesis student: 1 000 000 FCFA