General Voyages offers 50% discount to IFYAR participants

On Monday, November 16, a new company joined the ranks of the partners of the International Fair for Young African Researcher. General Express voyages, a long distance carrier that is no longer being presented, officially marked its support to IFYAR. As a present, General Express is offering 50% discount to IFYAR participants between November 30 and December 6, 2020.
General Express: a road company proudly Cameroonian
For several decades now, General Express buses have been traveling the roads of Cameroon. Yaoundé, Douala, Bafoussam… The company’s drivers master the dense forests of the Center, the sandy beaches of the Littoral and the mountains of the West like their pockets.
Every day, hundreds of people board a bus stamped General Express. For them, it is sometimes the beginning of a new life or the beginnings of an encounter that will turn their existence upside down… Who really knows where their steps will lead them?
For IFYAR subscribers living in Douala, the road is all mapped out. For 5 days, they will trade the thundering streets of Douala for the green space of Ecopark – Ahala. Their objective: to discover the wonders of African science through a series of exhibitions, conferences, Master’s/PhD thesis competitions and innovation contests.
Thanks to a strategic partnership between Général Express voyages and the International Fair for Young African Researcher, from November 30 to December 6, 2020, their ticket will cost them only 50% of the posted fare.
50 % less for IFYAR participants
As a corporate citizen, Général Express voyages was immediately attracted by the concept of the International Fair for Young African Researcher (IFYAR). How could we not be? After all, what a wonderful idea to bring together the brightest African minds in the space of a few days?
Without a doubt, from December 1 to January 5, 2020, Ecopark will be the place to be for all science enthusiasts, investors, entrepreneurs and policy makers.
But here’s the thing… For Douala residents, it is not always easy to travel the 236.8 km that separate them from Yaoundé. In order to encourage them to take the plunge, from November 30 to December 6, 2020, General Express voyages is granting them a 50% discount on their Douala – Yaounde journeys, regardless of whether they travel by classic or VIP bus.
To benefit from this discount, just present your registration ticket at the cash desk when you pay your bill. What are you waiting for to pay your fees and take advantage of this present offered by one of IFYAR’s partners?

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