It is with great satisfaction that the Chairman of the IFYAR (International Fair For Young African Researchers) Organising Committee announces the partnership signed with The Company of Biologists; a non-profit publishing house based in the United Kingdom. Through this financial support, The Company of Biologists is thus positioning itself as a partner of the first edition of IFYAR, anchored under the theme “young researchers, strategic actors for the emergence of African countries”.
Thanks to this funding, IFYAR will be able to sponsor the travel of researchers or innovators residing in Africa. The whole of Africa will meet in the premises of Ecopark Cameroon from 1 to 5 December 2020.
A call for applications has already been launched in order to find the lucky beneficiaries of this travel grant. Will you be one of the lucky winners? Follow IFYAR on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be among the first applicants.

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